About LTA

LTA Stock Auditors


LTA Stock Auditors.

LTA has been created by a team of highly experienced auditors, with at least 20 years of experience each, whose main aim is to create a cost effective audit service specifically to the licensed trade. Many of the Associates have years of operational experience as well, so we feel that our knowledge and hands on approach, will enable us to provide Licensees and operators with assistance and advice on how to get the best out of their business.

No job is too small or too large, with the small Club, Public House, Wine bar, Nightclub to the large hotel chain/event stadium being part of our current client base.

LTA uses innovative technology to create accurate audit results on the same day, with every LTA Associate discussing in detail directly with the business manager/owner, so they can respond immediately to the changing requirements of the business.

Why you need a Stocktaker

For any business within the licensed or catering trades – Stocktaking is one of the most important parts of controlling your cash flow and products and is critical to managing your costs and thereby maximising your profits.

Stocktaking also has the added benefits of giving peace of mind that your staff are not only serving your customers correctly, but that they are looking after the business bottom line too by committing to minimise loss.

Why Choose Us?

Our licensed trade stocktakers have many years experience in providing accurate and easy to understand stock reports based on state of the art stock taking methods

 We are passionate aout helping your business succeed and will always be willing to provide friendly advice and innovative ways to ensure that you are always in control of your costs.

Our Services

A full range of stocktaker services available to clients across the UK including:

  • Hospitality, Tourism and Retail Stock Management
  • Period End and Annual Stock Auditing
  • Valuations
  • Business transfers
  • Food and Liquor Cost Control
  • Purchasing Management

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Suite 163, Silk House
Park Green, Macclesfield
Cheshire, SK11 7QJ

Office hours

Monday to Friday
9:00am – 6:00pm

Call us

0845 838 8836

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